Sunday, June 18, 2006

Crochetroo's Bookmarks Cont.

This Tang Fish bookmark I crocheted a couple of days ago. This is the last of Crochetroo's Fish From The Great Barrier Reef. I used a thread I got from Jackie Lim called Cannon SCO30.

I recieved this Orange Sea Star Pattern from Crochetroo and it is simply lovely and easy to whip out. I used a simple yellow thread on this one.

I made this turtle last night while I was watching TV.

Following that I made this Taipan Snake.

Then I made this Turle Hatchling.

I recently have become interested in art more by brother has a talent for drawing so I asked him to draw me something for Chrsitmas so he drew me this Blue Rose.

For my birthday this month I asked for an oil painting and so I got this at painted with oil. The original is called Work Interrupted by William Bouguereau.

Then From Ebay I got a dragon drawing. I love Sci-Fi so this appealed to me and reminded me of the book Eragon and the dragon Saphira in it.

These next two pictures I picked up from a Changing Hands Bookstore I love the artist Amy Brown and I had recently decided to have a dark green and blue theme in my bathroom so these two went well. Last week I had them custom matted, that was more than I thought it would be and then Michaels had a 40% off frames so I framed them and my dragon picture.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Crochetroo's Bookmarks

This Blue Tongued Lizard I created for my brother who is in Mexico, my family sent him a care package so I though he might apreciate this more masculine bookmark. This bookmark I created after I created Esta's bookmark for the great bookmark exchange. I want her to be suppriesed so I will not post a picture of that bookmark till after she has recieved it. I used a thread I got from Jackie Lim called Cannon SC009.

This bookmark called an Angel Fish I created in the lunch break between my Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab and Lecture. But it didn't look right till after I ironed it. I used a thread I got from Jackie Lim called Monaco BS88. This is apart of Crochetroo's Fish From The Great Barrier Reef.

This was a challenging bookmark for I crocheted it while watching two little girls one of which is 4 and the other is 2. The challenge was in changing colors though not difficult it was time consuming. I used regular colors: red white and black. I created this after the Angel bookmark. This fish is called a Clown Fish aslo apart of Crochetroo's Fish From The Great Barrier Reef.

This Seahorse bookmark I crocheted last night while I rewatched Taken.
This Seahorse is also apart of Crochetroo's Fish From The Great Barrier Reef. I used a thread I got from Jackie Lim called Anchor KAM16.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well I am finaly getting my more recent bookmarks photographed. The butterfly bookmark was one I puchased on ebay.

I then modeled my butterfly in varagated thread after it. On this bookmark I used Cannon SCO30 thread I purchased from Jackie Lim.Following which is a bookmark I recieved in a bookmark swap from Rebecca.

And finaly is a bookmark I made before the friendship rings bookmark. This bookmark I gave to my mom because she liked it so much and wanted to frame it. On this bookmark I used Anchor KAM17 thread I purchased from Jackie Lim. I just love her thread.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The latest bookmark I made is called Friendship Rings which was in the June of 06 edition of hooked on crochet magazine.

I have joined The Great Bookmark Exchange orchestrated by Juli, this will be fun. Below are the answers to her survey questions.

1. What genre of books do you enjoy most: Fantasy
2. What sort of bookmarks do you like best: Unique in some way
3. What are your favorite colors: Blue, and Green
4. Are there any colors you don't like: Pastels
5. What sort of "theme'' would you like your bookmark to be: I am not particular
6. Are there any "themes'' that you wouldn't like: I don't care for corner bookmarks
7. Can you send internationally: Yes
8. If your partner wants to send along extra goodies (like tea, candy, cocoa, etc), what do you enjoy: I like tea the most
And is there anything you don't like/can't have: No
9. What crafts are you going to use to make your bookmarks: Crocheting
Is there a particular craft type you would like to receive: No I am open

Thursday, June 01, 2006

My Pictures

All the pictures of my bookmarks I have made except three new ones. I also have bookmarks from exchanges I have been given except the most recent one I receved.


This is my first time creating a web page and this will take some time but I will succeed maybe.